
Tuesday, August 9, 2011


So for the first time in my life I did yoga an hour after taking an Oxycodone. It was like magic. It felt almost like nothing was wrong, but I knew to be very careful about thay drunken illusion. I would never recommend anyone be even mildly altered while practicing ever. But My back and hip pain are literally bringing me down rapidly. To be able to move as I did last night was so healing. I worried about how I would feel this morning. But Im ok. I'll wait a day before I do it again...this time I want to use the drugs regularly (instead of only when it was absolute hell) as a doctor told me so I dont loose the rest of my body!  (duh)
My whole adult life I shunned even asprin after a gym teacher pointed out hidingthe pain would inevitably lead to worsened injury...although I still buy into that...Im getting older and shit REALLY hurts! The emotional down from not being able to walk etc..you so start to grow cobwebs...anyway...for the sake of science Im going to document my expeience with this next 15 pills.....and hopefully keep a close eye on my self and fix this 7 month long pain with the yoga.
There is some aleve ad running on tv of late with a yoga teacher who says she needs her pain meds to put on a good front for the people....i thought at first "She obviously doesn't know about Bikram. She does stupid yoga etc" but Im seeing things more forgively now after last night....brb for a spell check!

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