

Monday, January 30, 2012

Lie only misses an F to make it better...

Sometimes it feels like the world is so counterfeit, everything is a sham. Imagine getting your nutritional advice from a bulimic or having an exercise instructor who is anorexic...

Really it's become a stage of actors more than ever who pick their roles in life the way they do Netflix movies...Does anyone see how that doesn't remain in relm of a whole lot of innocent fibbing going on? That it's all tied to together with the reasons the US debt is owned by societies who jail their own citizens for chewing gum on trains....it's a numbers game thru an dthru...numbers of people times numbers of dollars...and then the icing on top...what am I contributing to make it better pro worse? Ive spent my whole life asking that question-since college anyway....
It just hit me where the origin of the verb lie comes from. It makes sense that to not tell the truth would be the same word as to lay down. Because  when we lie with someone one way to describe it is that it feels like you're surrendering into something with them If it's a minor, time saving, fun, nobody gets hurt lie-we get to laugh with someone. If we're nervous when say a cop asks if you were wearing your seatbelt-it's a totally gray area when a parent may have to decide on feeding their child with that money a ticket is going to cost them. Money that will only be recycled back into more uniforms that spends hour writing tickets and 4 minutes investigating reckless neighbors who destroy property with electrical surges...Anyway, that's to say sometimes breathing a little fast, like when the excitement may only be the covering up of a reality better described as suffocation, because you now share a secret with a schmuck you can only wish you could ever really trust... laying down with chosen conspirators you may in fact truly detest. The world is full of that, whatever that is, exactly. And it shows. To ease the suffering of other's is the only way to spend one's life and feel fulfillment, but that's not as obvious as it seems EVER. Because of the sophisticated way people have learned to act/lie-when they make fortunes doing so, and believe themselves they're so good....not then. Not when people are looking for recognition. It would be when people could effortlessly be who they are without the bs chronically throwing everyone of kilter....Einsenhower much?

I saw this incredible documentary about Philip Glass yesterday on PBS. It hit me, kind of a sense of pride that I ever remotely was acquainted with this incredible person....who's company in fact offered me a music contract-that I perhaps naively turned down. It all happened so fast and I was too busy worrying about being homeless to have even been in my body for the realization anything was happening...but again I digress...Mr Glass spoke about feeling his chi for the first time after 5 years of practicing Qi Qong (sp?) and because of that description I think I just made that connection for myself this morning in the kitchen doing the elvis shake and realizing it's closely related to or perhaps the same thing dogs do when they shake their tails in a way....raina kindalini...nope raina kinda fatty...again...I digress.

I feel like revelations are all around...the ironies, the go figures...the bs in general, where no one is any longer who they say they are really. Scared people with children to rear. But they find that counterfeit money and are handed the keys to an old show no one has heart in anymore. It's like Las Vegas...but before I digress I realized a few moments ago, I think, what QiGong (sp?) is aspiring to help people connect with. Is it chi? Is it kundalini? Who the f wants to argue about yoga-worse yoga teachers who pretend to listen to each other sweetly but underneath are bored to death by fake smile nodding...
Theoretically those with the most money are responsible for the quality of life everyone has. Automatically. So it would hold true that once upon a time wealthy persons would have come into their position somewhat effortlessly because their god given gifts were allowed to shine. But at this point in history, counterfeit money finds its way in the hands of the most mediocre, I should say carefully put their by design, by the powers that be who want to keep the system exactly as it is for as long as possible. Everything Eisenhower warned about has happened and no one knows what to do.
I just want to do my yoga that miraculously was keeping me healthy, saving my life more than ever of rthe past 6 years and yet the "community" is so full of bullshit people its a minefield. I read online somewhere recently the term "yoga squat" and interestingly enough, I had this premonition a bit later that the person who had written it had this vibe that they were using their yoga as a cover for prostitution.  Im not passing judgment, it's just that sometimes it's such a relief to state the obvious-that's why Bikram is so protective of something that could so easily be squandered by some pretty young leggy chick who happenes to be a great enough actress to play the role of yoga teacher....peopel get hurt in their classes...and also outside their classroom. The deception factor in society determines health care, not money. It may be too late for all of us to admit that in time to turn anything around, but it feels good to have hung in instead of giving in to the temptation that would have me partnered with a lie and the chronic suffocation that I imagine would turn a person into a driverless soul...they become yoga teachers too...simply because everyone likes to eat.

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