
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Godly Men

"For my mother, who always knew that butter was better for you than margarine" -Michael Pollack

"Hey! C'est la puta! C'est la puta!" - Tha's what she said! Never even noticed her before some nameless dime a dozen pregnant hispanic woman, who's lard fills the hearts and souls of thousands of her future sperm donors. The shocking disrespect made me realize my new years resolution needs to be even more notoriously honest than ever before. Geographically speaking, overpopulation ally speaking....go line up to give birth not in my backyard...Can't believe I was trained to believe that was xenophobic to point out the wear and tear on the natural resources...I can't afford to be the truffle farmer I was put here on this planet to be because a bunch of Nixon Reagan business philosophers decides to look at human beings all being worth at least $1 each....billions made that way by selling a nail... Happy New Year. Does anyone still live in south and central america or are they all in Peekskill Ossining and Tarrytown continually widening highways, so we can make widening the highways the new farming? Eat well for health you say? Grow your food where? Buy your food with what? Can't ask the hard questions because you need to feed your children. Can't risk being misunderstood and targeted as a result because it's more important to care about the opinion of who? Gophra Spinfree

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