
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

30 Day Challenge

I had the best practice (for me) last night. It's really hard for me to do a regular daily practice alone. In fact it's almost impossible. I cling to the ritual of Bikram yoga because it doesn't flucuate like I do...it's always there just waiting for me to show up. It wasn't as hot as I like it, and by my own standards my postures were awful, but I reconnected with that thing inside which is what its all about. A vibrationally focussed feeling of kundalini, starting through my spine and then as if all the channels in my body open and alive with magic. Feeling the healing. So subtle yet so powerful. Just staying focussed is what matters most...and what is most difficult...woops...here comes another thought!

I felt focussed and relaxed and really able to meditate. When my mind did wander, I thought about all the different places Ive done class and where I felt the most success. I wanted to try to recreate that in my mind. To bottle it up as they say. Be better able to turn that switch on and count on it.

When I lost over 50 pounds back in 2006 at YogaSpa it only took me about 18 weeks (4.5 months).  As much as I hate to say it, that was the place I had the most consistent success with weightloss. And I think it was mostly because there was no pressure. As I tell people I rolled my fat butt out of bed every single day and drove 30 mins from home and saw instant results. Maybe because the teachers (at the time) just left me alone to do the best I could bring to it on any given day. My Bikram training was of course best, and in fact sort of like that, but only because there are so many people...Bikram hinself has a way of pulling strength out of me I didnt know I had, even when I was feeling injured, and a few of his senior teachers are like that-truly the best workout of on the planet....but that doesnt go for all...

Anyway, I started my own 30 day challenge Sunday....good luck to me :)

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