
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sitting and Deterioration

I just heard a very interesting story about  how sitting for too long can do just as much damage as smoking. It was a 30 second teaser actually about a segment on 5pm news tomorrow evening. Now that I think of it, there was another story this morning claimed that cell phones were as dangerous as smoking and even lead poisoning.

It reminded me of a doctor's condescending face when I held my hand up with a black as night pin size bump right on the spot where I hold the damn phone like it became a vital organ at some point. I walked out of her examination room without saying goodbye....because that moment reminded me of what a total waste of time Drs have been in my life.  Except for a small few. So why do I bother going I asked myself.

For six months Ive been in one way or another kept from being able to practice over the past 6 months. Whether its a radiator problem that keeps me from driving 2 hrs to take another 2 hrs to practice (4+ hrs everyday? Who does that?) I did that for 3 yrs, and still had to escape 1200 miles, far away from Bikram Yorktown's owner Jane Kartsch to try to salvage what was left of my ruined life.....but I digress, as I will for as long as I live until Jane either apologizes or explains.

I spoke with some very important sounding prosecutor yesterday at the dog park about what happened. But as I simultaneously watched him controlling his dog by quietly subtly  telling the canine he might be choked to death if he didnt obey....I realized I was just talking to myself out loud....but a sweet teenage girl and another guy did seem to try to understand....it made me realize I will ask every single person I meet probably for the rest of my life, who gets away with filing false police reports?

Just like most everyone I know telling me to "move on", even the Yorktown DA's office said the same thing. "Nothing happened! No harm was done." they said. Even when I told them the report was used to interfere with a $12,000 training program and future bosses who'd hired me (as the felonious witch called every Bikram studio in the tri state area for godsake to tell them) that I was "dangerous" and not to be trusted, hired, or EVEN allowed to practice they said "Hard to prove." Even when I answered "But I have her emails to, and forwarded to me from Bikram Headquarters she didnt realize I'd ever see! She is caught caught caught period...but they are busy working for their political careers..unpracticed in recognizing (see http://www.callthepolice.com to see police report and excerpts from Jane's own lawyers pathetic attempt at explaining "why" she was alarmed and felt the "need" to call police  (catching her ironically, only in proving what a fabricating, vile bacteria she is in the end)...unless youve been the victim of slander you cant know. The fact that the subject is yoga makes it seem harmless to anyone else but me....except the poeple who know as much as I do stopping me from practicing was an outright assault....

Woops there I go away from the point again....sitting....the depression Ive allowed to manifest in my body for the past 6 months has aged me 20 yrs. Janes wrath continues to live on even when I moved 1200 miles from her breath...the damage, like induced cancer lives on....I write instead of killing myself....Jane Lartsch owes me 5 yrs of my life...everyone knows physics, the game of telephone...

Dont worry Jane we'll find some kind of acceptable settlement that will allow you to see your kids on the weekends.

Oh no! Am I being grumpy again? Its hard accepting being killed off slowly...I certainly wont go quietly...Im still hopeful I can loose a mass of weight one more time at the age of 50....its the question of why that turns my stomach...and breaks my heart over and over feeling no matter what I do it only takes one liar to ruin a life...

woops this is way too long. oh buit youre still reading? must be a stranger or another troublemaking gossiping hypocrite....it dont matter....."winning' :) is a small peace of mind....ask the local Mahopac Judge who told Jane I have a classic case of defamation against her....

There is a kind of wealth that feeds on the existence of poverty to make itself feel something, anything. The soulless make up the number of so many millionaires because theyre able to murder withouit a conscience. THAT is what Jane Kartsch is. I will write about this lair forever and no lawyer would ever dare cease and desist me because THE RECORT and THE FACTS in a snap could land Jane's ass in jail for abusing the system.

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