
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Beating of Anastasio Hernandez Rojas Recorded on Cell Phone Video

Even when they die this thug piece of shit mentality is allowed to prevail. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJGI1FR3MPA

This stupidity has nothing to do with racism. So what if my beating seems minor in comparison. The fact that no one does anything for me-is indication of worse to come. I have been BEGGING every single friend, every single family member, every goddam person I meet at this point it seems to come up....but Im looked at as if something is wrong with mend I will curse you all until the day one of you hypocrits admits this. Recently on facebook I can believe how often people who I would hope know me, reduce my rantings to some kind of substance abuse, addict behavior problem. What a jump huh? Im beaten. I almost never even drink-no interest, I never have sex because Ive become such an impoverished ostracized reject...and Im not interested in fkn strangers etc....but these lowly whorish women WANT to see my once shining star on a level with theirs now. THis is one of those aspects of human behavior that is SO heartbreakingly common it makes me sloppy because it's so easily rememdied of poele would just use the brains god gave them. Incapable of recogniziizg the politics behind my plight...I realize this is probably what most people assume....I live in a society where people's frickin children are used to pay rent with bjs....but Im the problem? Really? Obviously NOT the case...Im suddenly fckn so glad I never subjected my kids to such bullshit world of crap....and it will be only if I win the lottery and get to take control...even then Im sure the thin blue line is waiting to do to me one day what they did to this poor man Hernandez.

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