
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Lotteree Lotterah

The day i shot this still of my actual local news station (Albany) lottery results was the day i realized how fixed it was. All I can think about today is Paul Karas's response to my proposal that he return for the original price the property his father took from my family in 1984. He rented this property out for the past 30 years. $1000? $3000 per month x 360 equals roughly a million dollars...I suppose taxes for that long probably left him without a huge profit...but thats the thing. Its not about the money, it's about restoring what should not have happened. Picture Jimmy Stewart auctioning off a family's home in 1984 for less money than was paid for it in 1971. I approached Mr Karas in 1994 to ask him what he might consider selling it back to my family (when I was broke yet still optimistic about my hopeful future...what could go wrong? He told me that he had offered my mom the opportunity to rent to own it back. I dont know why I believed him, but I was so angry at my mom for years after I heard that, I finally called her on it and she furiously denied it, insisting Mr Karas had offered no such thing. "Quite the opposite in fact!" she declared.

But this isnt about fighting over anything. The internet makes fighting a thing of the past, and to some degree anyway, the facts are free to speak for themselves. Fact: A family was displaced. Lives were destroyed for what? Because some people play the game of monopoly as if much more obvious hunger games. I like to imagine that Paul has more than he and his family need, and by making one important thing right again in my life, I would instantly have the opportunity to heal my family. So easily Paul and I could work it out. Because the effects of so much counterfeit money in circulation in or society has created a cancer that will probably destroy everyone at this point anyway...If the family that has lived there for years wants to stay let them stay on as long as they need, so for it to be less traumatic...Paul and I would be interviewed on every news station across the country...oh but wait! That's right...too many people would intervene and make sure I would never get such a lucky break. Then it really makes me laugh how these same people will come here looking, wondering how they can keep hurting me further, looking for ammunition they can twist into a story that creates a feeling of security based on me simply not ever fitting in...

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