
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Make Time to Waste Time

Watching a fascinating speed poet named jonah lehrer author  of  books I MAG INE and How We Decide in an interview with Chas Rose about how human creativity....and the words rang so true it felt like a total body massage that allowed me to relax somewhat...To accept that sad fact I didnt do any exercise today....noga

The way he used precise medical terminology to talk about the brain and how each location (he only mentioned 2) related to its behavior and name simultaneously made me feel an ability to connect with a feeling of brain chemistry that could change my mood or focus to be more beneficial to my health for example....hard to explain as I don't even remember the name of the part of the brain area in the back of the right hemisphere he mentioned that was so fascinating, where our processing of jokes, comprehension of metaphors etc takes place...but really it was like he was describing prayer, or meditation.

He talked about how there's really no such thing as a new idea, and how old ideas that are the same as new ideas further apart in our evolution. It was so poetic and comforting. To take that time to be quiet observer, searching perhaps and yet we can feel it when we're connected to something greater than just ourselves and know we made the right choice if we're surrendered to another dimension for lack of a better word.

People who are in a relaxed state of mind are much more likely to have creative insight. When we're not relaxed we're consumed by the noise the world, just cant get past it to turn to the quiet voice coming from the back of our head giving us the answer-but most of the time people don't take it as seriously as the counterfeit money that has been designated sacred tool more than food....it's not an overstatement to say people never take the time to listen

Einstein said "Creativity is the residue of wasting time..." or something like that. But our society has turned into one in which we celebrate and empower the most vile people all based on the numbers from bank accts, as if anyone can't connect the obvious dots as we're so mentally and emotionally pasteurized thru our educational system.  But there is a simple fix to be found, and the crazy vast  insurmountable problems we now have in our world far excede the capabilities of what one person can take on alone, he said so then we have to learn to survive together or die alone...

I lno longer have any idea, oh now I remember I was going to talk about how the HHHS art teacher once told me that it was criminal that I emulated Richard Merkin's dog painting....what a society of nazi fascist instinct to hurt one another....brb

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