
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Donna Trantham's Secret Tax Shelter Bikram Yoga Space Coast

Oh I forgot today (now yesterday) wa sthe grand opening of the studio I used to own (bikramtitusville.com) now Bikram Yoga Space Coast (hows things going Benny?) in Titusville...see the little pool in the bottom left corner? Well thats the pool Im in here also in other pic...I used to tell people it would be so great to have classes across the street and hve the pool to jump into afetr for studnets once in a while etc...(insurance my landlord explained to me wouldnt cover that of course) but isnt it amazing that the FORMER MICROSOFT EXEC FROM GERMANY NAMED BEATRICE KUNT MULZER who was a part of Donna Trantham"s silent parter yoga world...moved the studio into the place I had a fantasy blue print on? The rent was so high I couldnt have imagined pulling it off in reality...but thanks to Bill Gates, and the "new" international element spying on NASA....u never see more than maybe 12 people in her special workshop classes and maybe 4 in regular...but there she is with $100,00 in renovations? I say the state dept should chjeck these mother fuckers out...Bikram is like his own little UN...I used to be naive...but after being raped by assholes from Spain, Thailand, Mexico, Germany, Australia..too many to count...all at once no less...

Smethings up....Beatrice Mulzer quit her job at Microsoft to steal my dinky little third world studio that didnt even have showers....enough money to buy a house, renovate office space into a state of the art studio with manes and womens shower's etc...I mean you look at the signage and the photos of carpenters etc....at least $50,000 low guessimate...houses are cheap down there so well ok....maybe she spent all her savings? But still its just so cut throat....they didnt just drive me out, they did it by filing MORE false police reprots using words like "does not have weapons at this time etc"...God in heaven. On the day I die-take out 3 of them with me...and let their children read this. Donna Trantham is another local lowlife, originally from MA...she owns "Mr Submarine and sells cold cuts to kids..pretends to be a community minded person...but when you see her out drinking she's known as a local slut...ask her x husband charlie....and her multiple lovers ( I met 3 of them) she had me play around with texts to see if he would cheat on her...and he fell for the bait...THAT was the day she stopped being my friend-as if embarrassed...this witch also told me that Suzanne from Bikrm Merrit Island was on trial yrs ago fro having sex with a studnet she taught at, that most of the FL champions are all gay former junkies with crazist stpries ...another time...she told me all of this because I made the mistake of telling her about what Jane did to me...so when it suited her she played that angle on me too...one day her son was arrested for walking on th etarin tracks...
 it made me cry when she told me...that the world is such a tough place for a kid to grow up in etc...arrested for such a petty thing etc...thats was the night I told her about getting beaten up by Deborah Moore of the NYPD in 1993 (starte of end of my life) over the subway token etc...you think youre friends with these people...then months later when theyre in bully mode ...boom....ax falls...I just cant believe that Officer K. Roman was allowed to get away with standing by to stop me from being able to do anything while they changed my lockes...
 JUST so they didnt have to give me back eben half of my money as Moo agreed to do...they decoded they could keep this money if they just made me look bad...I imaghine editing this one day soit is moe coherent and makes sense...but if I dont make it, if I die, if Birkam KILLS me....the details are here and one day all thes epeople's children can know the reality of the BULLYING pices of shit parents...the killers that dont sell as many news papers as the Dhmers and Caseys...more abundant...the source of ALL that is wrong with the world...so stop pretnding nothing can change...TALK ABOUT IT ADMIT IT 
Apologize ....wont hold my breath...see that? Thats what I mean...

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