
Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Diving Bell and the Butternut Squash

Dear Dr Cindy Bryant.- I want to apologize to you for believing that you really thought of me as such a "geniusly phenomenal teacher" (as you told me while BEGGING ME to come live in your empty extra bedroom when I first got down there. This while bringing to my class your nurse friends and Hanibal Lecter anesthesiologist boyfriendz....in other words Im far from an egomaniac, and not so paranoid that I even thought about it that much....but I bring it up because-
As I am now myself morbidly obese, arthritic, psoriatic, necrotic....Im listening to Rosie Odonnel describe having her heart attack and I felt exactly like that yesterday, sweating, slight feeling of needing to vomit passing out into sleep...but obviously not as bad....why call the dr? Everyone woudl be THRILLED if I dies...Imagine KNOWING that about yourself? I also know I dont deserve that. But anyway....Without any real medical care I am unable to find the most accurate terminology, words....in really bad physical shape etc...But the point is every time I struggle to find my balance I stare at a spot on the floor instead of looking up into mirror at myself (as Bikram himself DEMANDED we do IN TEACHER TRAINING AND ask others to try to do also)...But it feels so right, so good to just relax into the pose etc....you paid $200 for a class card becaus eyou felt sorry about what was going to eb done to me? Is that why you never ONCE came to class those last 2 mos? I was revicing the nessage loud and clear that the "elders" of the studio had decided it was time to "remove" me but why so illegally? SO cruelly? So slnaderously? To ensure Im unable to work at a Birkam studio anywhere ever again was necesary because....? How does your oath go again? In my mind I thought I was challenging you...because you were 2 faced with me...I had no idea I was hurting you...see that?

Ive written about your addiction to diet Mt Dew to decsribe the kind of bullshit medicine you practice...and the irony that your were remotely involved in hurting me so badly...simply by lying. Phone records would prove that your were conversing with Susan W and Donna as I was planning on staying with you when I returned from NY...after only 2 weeks you opractically threw me out and spoke to me like I was a ward nurse who needed to sterilize the bed pans "I want this place hotel ready" I think wer ethe words....shit this is gonna be another note to myself, incomprehisble to anyone else until I can take the time to clean up the rambling here....

But ya I think u were a part of this conspiracy....omg I am so gonna get more into this....brb ...ps You can see the pool across the street form new studio? Looks  like I was living the life right? But the pool house was only $400 a month....I believe my laid back way drove Donna crazy jealous, because she didnt know how to really meditate or find actual peace in her superficial eveil personality...shes probably  bulimic...and thats teh only reason she looks reasonably in shape...but anyway....what did I EVER do to ANYONE that I deserved to be so totally KILLED? You still lving your over paid self improtat life Im sure...I have more to say but not now...will rewrite this later...I htink...

Yes anita youre next...did the Aikido club build the new studio for free for Beatrice? So much easier to get along with people who have $200,000 in the bank right?
When I see ads for "Touchstone Health" I realize that even medical insurance is like a pyramid scheme where Spielberg  keeps his family's health SO well taken care of....Marx was right...The alienation fo human beings from what really matters in life in a money driven society...to the point even drs, and yoga classes,...are KILLERS

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