
Friday, November 23, 2012

Kelly Preston and Experiment 907

Experiment 907: Listen to my phonecall with Jack last year, then for the screams of Jane Kartsch and Donna Trantham burning in hell:

Cia Gold - Single - raina fortini

iwas watching CBS's The Doctors TV show yesterday morning and listened to Kelly Preston talk about giving birth to a beautiful little boy completely natural easy conception and childbirth at the age of 48.  This confirmed for me that it was possible that could have been me too. My eriod was like clockwork my whole life, and I was healthier than I was in my 20s after 2.5 months working out in Honolulu...The plan was to get super healthy during training, then spend next 6 months to a year making money, and if all went well perhaps a nest...But instead I had to deal with one rumor after another, constantly defend or prove myself to hypocrits and troublemakers-I had to have bullshit threats made on my ability to make enough money to pay my electric bill (at the age of 46 yrs old) because of Karstch..who's venom even travelled 1000 miles away as I tried to try to escape from the damage done...Try and tell me Jane Kartsch didnt rob me of a last chance at having a child? And what is the normal behavior in reaction to some asshole of a lifetime stealing EVERYTHING away from me for no actual reason other than growing up a fat insecure kunt who bullies vulnerable people as an adult to compensate?

Dear Jane Kuntsch: Tell me specifically what I ever did to you that would file a false police report, and then cal Bikram while I was in Hawaii to tell him you had to call police on me? Explain that to me and I will never write a word about your blubbery soul ever again...what makes me go mad is the pointlessness of your destruction....

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