
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Paula Kranz Another GOP Lewinsk

Isn't it obvious that they intended this to blow up before the election? The FBI is certainly able to determine that this "brilliant" woman was intelligent enough to realize ALL email is traceable....Tampa is big time GOP isnt it? Jill Kelley probably a registered republican...an deven if not...some kind of operative...I mean the timing reveals what they wer eup to doesnt it? GOP media still trying to play this into some kind of continued Ben Ghazi screw up/embarrassment...what did I hear Paula KRANZ say in some interview? Or on some podium about having practically first hand info on BG incident? Blurting it out-as if showing ff? Or stirring the problems up for Obama admin...

You've seen the Pat Fucking Tillman movie I hope? She was working with these propagandists...all big time war machine stuff is usially Republican isnt it? Oblivious as usual to Eisenhower's famous speech warnings all these decades later...screwing up all the good that could be...chronically..

Paula Kranz Broadwell...is a frkn spy. Not sure for who....But I feel so bad for Patreus....as if this beautiful woman used him...as if its so criminal the poor guy let himself be human....really a shame...she should be exposed or what she really is....or even of sh ewas just looking to sell her book....disgusting...from harvard no less? Or just the afterwards programs where the sleezy networking takes place in "summer school"?

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