
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Calling All Corps. AMC Anyway

I have to hand it to the Chinese. I imagine they might respect my insight just as much. Give me recognition for noticing at least-as opposed to the typical American mindset that has me thrown into padded white jackets...cant even say the word cell...the idea that that really has more an dmore become opur reality. Average people comfortable trusting their children's future in the hands of tis propogandic image of police...its been in the making for decades...republican party/ Simply Human Nature to party? Will never know...dont necessarily need to know...oh...so I'm writiyng because I juts got off the phone with the Aurora Colorado police dept. Or so I thought.

I called 303-739-something and thought I was speaking with a female dispatcher...openly friendly, seemingly thoughtful...I asked her if she knew who decided not to release the mugshot of James Holmes. She told me to try watching less TV. I swaer to you, call her and ask her if she didnt suggest that I was "letting it get to me"!

How is it Americans became so goddam stupid you could sell them mayonaise made from recycled liposuction as long as it looked the same. So 2 points for the Chinese.

I dont know what it is. But I feel there is a connection between Nick Berg in wherever he was(the first of the beheadings? Dec 2003 just before the war....the puppeteers are not the icons used to play the community chess games on TV news.

Such a simple question!!!! I cant find out why James Holmes' mugshot isnt/hasnt been released, or more importantly who made that decision, because instead the "reporters" would rather repeat over and over again their condolensces by saying "We may never understand..." From the very start convinced they will not understand! Does anyone not find that amazing? The superficiality of it all is embarrassing! Yet so accepted why? Just plain laziness? Fear of boogeyman? Im supposed to be the one who is embarrassed for trying to call to just get my own question answered? Have her infer I need a "break"...loony? Really dumass?

If peopl ewant to "stop" bad things from happening how about they start with the miniature shit? By recognizing personally hypocriys one takes on working answers. Step by step word by word....

I encourage people to call "news rooms" and check out the smug asshole who answers, as they're only used to being seen as a form of celeb or something....I previously had called eyewitness news and some chicks politely says "I have to pass u to someone else..." and it goes to the recording for people who want autographs....so unbelievably arrogant...I tried to show Henry at News12 how exploiting Kerry Knndy's problem for his ratings (her name simply does that and they want to pretend everyone is the same...duh) I wanted to point out he form of bulying the media is constantly engaged in and seemingly oblivious too....he hangs up on me...because he has a "job" to do....no room for mind trusts.

If I ask him why Jennelle Brunelle doesnt edit in a shot of herself knocking on Gov Cuomo's door for "answers" he's thinking Im being sarcastic, when really just trying to point out perfect examples of the foul...this disrespect has neurosurgeons forced to work in McDonalds (if thats a true story about Holmes) but dr's working in McDonald's is Obama;s fault? Really? Stupdity needs to be outlawed? Then the prisons could be in charge of the world andn Monsanto their lovely wife...our new kitchen. Its sad to admit it will happen because people prefer to hold on top their stupid...who's to say? Maybe they should be allowed....I officially lost my train of thought.

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