
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Masters of Prpoaganda

If Ai Weiwei was, (or (benefit of the doubt) were to find himself) in Steve Job's position they would have given him pancreatic cancer too. The sophistication behind today's "news" writing, hired theatre performers...is so over the average person's head, over most people's head that is... I mean they say they have like 35 security caeras on him at all times, he's beaten, jailed....if the chinese want someone gone nothing is easier so It makes me wonder if this isnt an extremely sophisticated mind controlling tool...keeping it so close to the line of eing real...maybe this amazing man is just a masochist? maybe a trained masochist....its so easy to kill nowadays...when I htink of all the doctors who probably give patienst (with insurance of course) a cancer, or a surgery that will keep them coming back for more....its not far fetched...Ive been saying it for years....Ive predicted all kinds of shit for years...no credit...denial....such a shame.

Celebrity today is nothing more than talent (and sometimes not even that) playing a role within an army of entertainment lawyers, agents, promotional, marketing people who, short of murder (or at least I used to think short of murder)...and being kept so busy with self importance they arent able to even get a reality check...rendering them useless politically (other than the scripted "issues" theyre allowed to spar over....

People have been taught to be afraid of each other. Who calls the police on their neighbor over loud music without talking to the neighbors first? Those people should be shipped back on a slow boat to china...oh I know its coming....when everyone is on the internet it's like rush hour, throggs neck bridge style traffic...u only imagine youre moving...

I cant get the idea out of my head that James Holmes pissed off the wrong person and they set him up with way. Over the past 20 years Ive met dozens of people capable of exactly that kind of revenge....the only good thing (good?) about little cash flow is that it forces  youre eyes to see....

I overheard a neighbor from Hawaii yesterday, a neighbor that I basically liked (did I write about this already?) putting the idea in gangsta neighbor's gf's head that Im the one "talking"... Does he want to see me shot by some pig moron who thinks he has a right to blame me for his pathetically violent life? Imagine that? The irony...world full of shit people run by shit poeple....I would love to know what he has with some sweet as she is delusional squatting fat girl with a tiny babby...did I just answer that? Ya maybe he loves kids. Most men do right...imagine if he's just wondering if she might fool around..."looking for that lover who wont blow my cover...so hard to find" etc....thats the shit good poeple die over? are killed over? and who wants to talk about the shit they keep poeple preoccupied with distracted by....wtf man....someone get me the fcuk out of here? Please?

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