
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Daniel James of Peekskill Coffee House

About 15 months ago this asshole gave me a hard time for refusing to pay 50 cents for ice in a drink. When he threatened to "ban" me from the coffee house I started to tell him how ironic it was that I JUST started to come back in after like 10 years (because I'd had some similarly petty bullshit incident with some other trblmaking egomaniacal "barista" then) Before I could get a word out he said "Leave now or I'll call the police." If I was intending to cause "trouble" I would have had my camera out right? I was gonna make a quick point and go, but this dick made a HUGE scene involving TWO POLICE CARS. and I want him charged with the crime of reporting a false incident.

 Anyone who knows me...knows I see red on hearing that sentence-particulalry because it's nothing more than bullying, and in fact borderline criminal too - that is to file a false police report etc. But anyway...so I just left and never intended to go back. That is until Darby a boss/yoga bizz partner invited me into the coffee house to hear her friend Joe play one sunday afternoon...I told her "Well you know what happened with Daniel a couple months back, so I guess I could try. Worse thing is they might tell me to leave-so Ill leave....I was there for about 30 mins and it all seemed to be ok...until I got up to go talk to Jeremy Tracy's little brother on other side of room. Randy Sharpe of PCH walked right up interrupting my conversation with someone Id not seen in like 20+ yrs and...well thats why I uploaded it...to http://www.bullyofthemonth.com ...click on pictures to see the "call the police" game they play with me....Randy about 18 months before that had come up to me at a table to tell me my crack was showing in my pants (witness Madeline DeVivo) ALWAYS trying to get a rise out of me. I always tried to ignore them...

Keep in mind this asshole Daniel gave me a hard time because I didn't have an extra 50 cents for ice over a year ago...like 15 months ago to be exact. He threatened me with police then....

So as I was driving away from Starbucks Yorktown yesterday I was surprised to see him. Ive gone in there for years and years and have never seen him there before-as a matter of fact I didn't recognize him at first. I thought twice about saying anything which was why I was driving away anyhow.  So when I looked at him on driving out I couldn't ignore his snotty gesture, I had to ask him why. Why!? So I got out of car and walked to talk to him at his little patio table on other side of iron fence.  I left my car running with my dog there...not intending to be more than 2 minutes.....Improvising,  I said "Have you met my brother the chief of police?" Attempting to be somewhat lighthearted about making my little point, I expected the nice old santa claus looking man to back me up and play along so as to teach this doosh a lesson...when this kid (mid twenties?) stands up, grabs his phone and within a minute is demanding to police on other end he get a restraining order against me-making up stories about how Im stalking him etc etc...ok have to upload now before I loose this hopefully will be able to continue and edit after-this is going to be my focus for a while. I want this kid to be the first person actually CHARGED with trying to file a false report with the police.

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