
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Killing to ReDirect Cashflow

When you contemplate how many people act like theyre capable of murder, for the lowliest reasons...you realize why people are so defensive, so easily exorcised...so many that when they create these hunger games like news stories, canned life of criminal entertainment...CO AZ CO....seems like code...like a riddle? People are so full of shit they dont even realize not only is it ok to admit what anger is brewing inside, it's necessary....because when millions start doing it simultaneously, a who entire other world will be taking place....transitioning? natural? maybe. Now I want FUCK YOU engraved on my tombstone. I think.

Or forget about murder. The millions of little things people go to great lengths to make disappear...What would you do if you heard through a small town village grapevine that your middle school aged kids all had a (popular) substitute teacher who was an old high school flames of your husband?  I guarantee if not directly coming up with some way to sabotage, or destroy the reminder's career with your tax money, at least one derogatory word through the channels to be a part of a holy reem....this actually happened to me...but there were kids from so many diffenrent parents who hated me, it could have been anyone who eventually had me sacked.... "CYOA" warned Mrs What's her name...I guess she meant well...but what kind of people partakes in such a system in the name of children no less...where ppl have to build on a foundation of lies.....?

Poverty is a direct result of careless, senseless stupidity...poeple who think they want wealth but dont know what theuyre doing and spend their fortunes on fortresses to protect that lie....its a requitement...and theyre damn good at it...so good only they would ever know if they decided to surrender...as god expects it to be....natural? All natural?

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