
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

$5 Billion is the same thing as $50 Million a Year for next 100 years (for repairs and more)

Dear Governor Cuomo-
$5 Billion is the same thing as $50 Million a Year for next 100 years (for repairs and more)

Why are Americans (specifically since Eisenhower's famous warning) forever allowing ourselves to be tricked deeper and deeper into a massive international debt hole that can never really be paid off? Then on top of that a 4 billion a month Bush war. The only thing holding the country together is this fake belief that suckers for propaganda are heroes?

I just saw some ridiculous TV spot calling for A Better New York. As if anyone really has a clue as to what that means. More sprawl for one, more traffic for another. No more fake people. Even if it means risking afight has to be only solutions. The difference between people who go looking for fights and risking fights like night and day.

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