
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

How Bikram Choudhury Ruined My Life

Thnking about going to the exclusive Bikram Yoga Teacher Training Program in Hawaii and live in a 5 star hotel by the ocean for 9 weeks? With a scholarship? Who would say no to that. Of course go. Guaranteed to be the greatest time of your life. No matter if anyone tries to ruin your time there-it will still be great. So go. Yes of course go. Would I go again?

While speaking to a group of 300 of us, deliberately trying to sound threatening, Bikram told us stories about how we risk life and limb if ever speak badly of him. Gleefully told stories like one about one of the Ilikai studio's contractor's wife developing cancer after he gave him a hard time about mirrors or something...and so on... other's too...at the time I saw this as just trying to scare petty people away from boring him with their bullshit. I also thought "Why would anyone do that?" and here I am....surprised? Disappointed. Personally, the worst thing about standing up for yourself is when people accuse me of having nothing better to do then talk about this, as if I enjoy stirring up things pointlessly....No question how my life was ruined by this egomaniacle (stupid? steroidal?) childish man...my reason for continually exploring this questions is why. My real question is why. For almost 6 years now they have yet to explain the reasons why this really all began in forst place...continue to try to bury me in my own over-the-years tears, and have never once explained the original injustice. Why did Bikram allow Jane Kartsch to get away with telephoning every single studio in the tri state area to tell them I was a dangerous person....and the proof that I can legally say all of this? Is in the fact that they CONTINUED to use those same exact words while not only stealing away $5700 from me, the tried to have me aressted while using the words "dangerous person" again, years later, as I try to escape as far away as possible from these assholes in NY and CT, fled for FL.

Im going to publicly examine what these fuckers did to me until they fix it. No matter how priceless the tag on that impossible feat-to at least try. Again there's more proof that they enjoy seeing me destroyed...as if Im unreasonable ...they wish. But again who would wish that? What motivates these killers.

Moral of this story is go to this incredible yoga training....but try to make it better... Bikram isnt stupid. He'll figure it out? I used to think so...thats why now Im not so sure of he isnt just stupified by roid rage or something....who knows....I registered www.illegalbikram.com in 2006 thinking it was a funny way of making clear to public that I wasn't certified, but still tried to do the yoga as it was supposed ot be done etc. But instead I opted to go to the $10,000 training to become certified. Why would people be so determined to get in the way of me becoming happy and healthy? Stupid people. Wy cant they just admit it?  They can. Why won't they? Because theyre stupid fcking huypocrites. Under stalin they told the police to arrest people who dare to put thei rthoughts into words honstely. Imagine? Because it scared people? Or because that kind of power is like prono for some more like it. Like the Miligran (?) experiment at Yale..


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