
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Important Point

I'd like to point out that after blogging like a fiend for most of the year, I'd put it away for like a week-writing in my head, couldnt be bothered dealing with broken computers and the same old Jane crap....was figuring out how to play song on guitar...and suddenly Jane sends cops to my door..so here we go all over again....Im scared to death some idiot cop will CHOOSE to misunderstand something, make worse something....god knows what...so I write desperately trying to document as much as possible before they kill me off, disconnect me completely etc..But seriously? Imagine worry about being arrested for writing about what you feel? What is backed up with concrete evidence if I dare type an actual name etc...

Seems like a huge leap to accuse a neighbor of murder? Ya well when youre a broke vulnerable single woman and the neighbor goes berzerk on me when simply I asked him if he would mind moving his car so I can change my tire? Then scratches my car-police do nothing about my cr being scratched but multiple police forces used to wipe away Jane's widdle crocodile tear...A neighbor who has been TAUGHT that he can get away with disrespecting me because of all this endless crap I write about...not to mention the woman who came here without a stitch of anything is suddenly gone after the only time I ever heard them fight...Im pretty sure every once in a while all my neighbors read this...so what..I dont want to be fake..Ill be the one who wont die of the heart attack I say! It feels good to speak one's mind on a relatively safe as it is civil way. But I dont need anyone I write about to read this...Its only to try to to make them think twice...I prefer brave to crazy.

If IM wrong Ill be first to gladly admit it...like a relief...if the lost neighbor's gf shows up after a trip to paris...wo! my bad...but the out o fthe blue way he attacked me over changing my tire-still stands as the mystery that trumps being wrong about anything...THATS how bad he was...

I love how the cop yesterday forces me to say my telephone number out loud, in front of neighbors windows I dont particularly lik eetc...because the "community" I live in mays well be called a prison...just like jane's...empty hurtful hate.

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