
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Pamela Geller Can Shuv Her Love of War Up Her Jewess Ass

So I have to worry about the line I walk writing about Jane's deliberately, maliciously methodically ruination of my pathetic life....Yet a Federal Judge Paul Engelmayer says it's ok to provoke potential anger and violence in the NYC subway system with stupid ads some millionairESS can afford to burn money on? How is it I cant afford to do my laundry today, but some knt name Pamela Geller has cash to waste on some fanatical cause obviously designed to stir up train bombings? Really? If I say "Jewess"? Do I piss off a thousand people who would seek out somehow to at least blackball me? Compare that to slapping face of an under educated fanatical savage? What is the point other than to incite violence before the presidential election? It so obvious.

On one hand they're patting down grandma's at the airports, they wont allow anyone without a drivers license (so if your wallet was stolen you're screwed) to ride Amtrak etc...all in the name of security and terrorism prevention etc...But at a time when Muslim countries are protesting (and murdering ambassadors) over a film (strategically released b4 election) mocking the Prophet Mohammad, this ad calling out Islamic jihad as pure thoughtless savagery is due to appear next week in New York City subway stations despite transit officials' efforts to block it. Brilliant? Or all part of a design to replace our morning alarm clocks with guns to our heads in some planned mas invasion Im wondering coming soon?

 Pamela Geller, who heads some bullshit front called "the American Freedom Defense Initiative" is allowed to inspire train and subway bombings with pointlessly provocative ads now given a go ahead to be placed all over the NYC subway system. Freedom? Defense? She's deliberately inciting anger, probably hoping it will lead to violence, so that one of her relatives companies who manufactures some kind of fear "prevention" in the form of guns and terrorism as the new growth industry...I am so sick of it...fuck their causes, fuck all their wars..every single war nowadays has either a corporation's vested interests or some radically warped witch like Geller hiding tax money behind it...

The judge who ruled in her favor doesnt see the safety issue? An ad thats obviously insulting an already raging to the death population? I want to know the numbers behind all of this. Who does Geller sleep with to have enough money for her penthouses AND Mass transit ad costs? Millions? Who throws money away on this shit....

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