
Friday, December 7, 2012


Check out what Robin and Paul Bolls and Carol and Arron Lipko wrote about me in 2006.....there is no way to capture the cruelty that I have been (an dstill am to this day) subjected to by these wretched hateful troublemakers who have police at my door once or twice a year for some petty dog complaint or found pieces of paper etc....( governorpataki.com )and I was SO determined to build a yoga business to escape from this...only to end up being called a "dangerous" persn by Jane who I'd told how I was suffering...I mean seriously? How does anyone explain this?
Written by Carol Lipko with Robin Bolls of Christ the King School in the Bronx in 2006.

Then observe what I looked like at the time....smelly old woman? See? Instead of ntroducing me to their friends or socializing and being neighborly its more like they were so insecure abot their husbands being attarcted to me? I mean how else can it be explained? I was SO nice.

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