
Sunday, June 17, 2012


This is me in November 2006 about 2 weeks before Jane began her smear campaign against me....look how healthy I was.  Im so mortified by how I look now Im just not ready to do the side by side to compare the damage done...but take my word fro it...its bad. Who looks phenomenal at the age of 46 thank you very much.

Doing Bikram for about 11 months prior at that point. I'd lost 50+ pound for christsake! But Jane filed the first police reprot calling me "dangerous" and spreading that hate to the point I either couldnt afford to make it to any studio to work out even let alone work...It had taken me years to get my overeating under control...its about 5 years ago I sot this of myself in the bath room...at the same time I shot the infamous "woman with her head cut off" photo (which turned out to be me in a yoga outfit from the neck down...It was the first time Id finally felt I had a handle on my daily practice and was reversing the feeling of pre cancerousness raging thru my body the year before..Ya if I was 36 maybe I wouldnt hold onto the anger and bitterness...but I was a few weeks before age of 46 years old, and now that IM 51.5 with health shot right down the crapper....I have no hope of ever getting back there agian...it was my last chance...I could have been a jack lalane kind of legend...old but gorgeous...now Im instead just old and slowly dying from the hatred shown to me by the Bikram Organization...and now I have Singaporian firing squad laws to look forward to by bitchblogging about it....I'd rather be dead than be Jane Kartsch...and the world is run by these kinds of hypocrits more and more so....we'll see what is to come I guess....

If anyone had told me on this day that I would have a police report written up about one of these photos I sent in an email to Jane (bragging about how much better I was at the yoga then she-as the photos dont lie etc) I never would have believed it. I really never saw er resorting to blatant lies and for no reason...
Note: Mr Wolf points out I was "reluctant" to give Jane any passwords because she wouldnt have any idea what to do with it. When he says "Fake password" thats is in fact Jane Kartsch attempting to put her server password into a domain registration account...and notice THAT is the first complaint, Then they resort to exaggerating about the time and place of cursing as if they are desperately trying to paint a picture of me as a person she needed to file a police report against....and also notice how whatever slim picking sthey come up with is only AFTER the fact and never once addresses how what why or when this falling out actually started...what is what over at the start...and that is because I never dod one goddam thing to Jane Kartsch....so her vindictive conspiring, felonious behavior is to this day ignore, has gone unpunished....look how fertile I looked at the age of 46! I so wanted to just meet someone and have a family..adopt maybe th esafer option I dont know but instead Jane Kartsch turned my life into impoverished hell...humiliated me in front of alredy strained family relationships (because of previous financial setbacks I never made it out of...was never allowed...because of the thin blue line that Jane used to her advantage...when I picture her listening to NPR and her dinner conversation of WTC conspiracy theories etc....I wonder how she sleeps at not, unable to make the connection between the way she ruined my life and and every evil powers that be scenario....oh god please hear my prayer.

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