
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Dumb Black Woman vs Kniving Jewess

Transit Police Officer Deborah Moore was just a dumb, bitter, misguided, racist pig of a young woman on January eleventh in 1993. She beat me up in such a way, with blows to the head with her knee, the conceivably could have been deadly at a different angle.  Why wouldnt she want to apologize to me? Why instead would it simply be suggested to me that I move on..that I "get past it"? etc....and then 20 yrs later when I finally do...Jane Kartsch(who knew I had been traumatized by and beaten up severely by Moore) decides she needs to create a police report on me even tho we had not even communicated in anyway in 9 months. FACT.  This is the proof that she was trying to create a paper trail, no matter how misleading, full of lies, added to the mess I am not ALLOWED to crawl out of. THIS IS WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE ECONOMY. From where coes the bullshit that a president is supposed to fix millions fo stupid ppl's lives with stroke of a wand every week? The only thing that pisses me off about Obama is that he killed Bin Laden...who I still dont fully believe was anything more than hired hollywood (just like Fidel Castro studying acting in LA the stories go, and who was the other big time patsy again? ALWAYS its money protecting itself that makes histpry...No offense meant to Castro...u know what I mean)...sugar cane sounds just like co cane....

Debbie and Janey. Stupidity and Greed...the rest of the world sees what I see...a wall st taken over my so many millions of truly dangerous, kill their own kids to make a buck type people , addicted to getting layed with the freshest ppussy in town and getting away with it like pirates lol? Liek Vampires lol? No. Like average typical normal authoritarian bowing church going for the scene..peeps.

He had everything and wanted nothing. He learned that he had nothing and wanted everything. He saved the world and then it shattered. The path to enlightenment is as sharp and narrow as a razor's edge.  (maughm?)

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