
Friday, June 22, 2012

Dear Greg Melvin Dear Kate Snow

I dont know if Craig Melvin gets credit for choosing the story...but thank you...Isnt it brilliant how now kids have had added to their baby minds more drama....the freaks who have introduced "bully bills" are just opportunists creating more emotional GARBAGE. The gandmother being bullied by the little snot nosed....who was it that gave a graduation speech that themed "You are NOT special" a parent? It was fantastic...actually I only heard about it so not sure abou how great entire speech...anyway...bullying is ageless...Ive been BEGGING my entire life, so many people, to simply see financial bullying has lead to our bank crisis....idiots and great actors running the show....oh...kate snow...weaver? whatever his name....the body language? seriously? Handsome straight at you cold determined eyes....its sexy....its no one's place to judge, put when you asked him about why epople say it could be made up...his answer didnt ring true...by not metioning people gd do things for money-thats why no one talks for FUCK's sake! The society IS a bunch of whores...it never occurred to me until almost 50 years old, to actually cponsider marrying someone even for their health insurance when it feel slike cancer is rampantly running through my body...but I remain cashless, my entire gd life because Ive tried to surf on the truth...

The WORDS are all we have. We shape  EVERYTHING with them, and no matter how "well meaning" some lobbyist news creators are anyone who would strip away freedom from speaking every last bit of crusty diarrhea of their soul....its a counterfeit gold miner....poeple need to watch each other not as potential psycho killers but as ALWAYS opportunists looking to feed their kids (forgiveable as thats is the required standard, and like good little flocks...." Anyway...

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