
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Jane Kartsch? This is My Weight. Tell me its My own Fault

Send me an email explaining why you screwed me over as pointlessly as ferociously...please? Because Im an asshole and you hate me? If thats all it is why no just say that? Explain what posessed you to try to publicly make it seem Im the kind of person who needs to be dealt with in policeness so common to our increasingly fascist society...TV is airing shows like "Take Me out" with male and female strippers humping each other for Al Jezeera...

Im dying because of Jane Kartsch's blow to my health. No matter what indirect injury or disaster....Tell me why...

Remember what it feels like? How hard it is to motivate? What kind of woman, who owns a "health" related business sabotages another who had such wonderful succes...not once! Not twice! 3 times! and a few close attempts in between....

This was my weight yesterday Jane....You feel me sister? 

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