
Friday, June 8, 2012

On the ReRecording

The story becomes "President Clinton chimes in On Extending Tax Laws for the Wealthy" when it should be about the loss of even a US president's ability to chit chat. Is the word chit derived from shit

I want to formally request I be taken seriously? Risk arrest if I rub the wrong way some senators faux tittied botoxed spouse? Because someone with a circulatory system addicted to having PPBs iinjected into their blood, voluntarily...I mean...the moods swings of the sane lol? Money has become such a corruption it kills everyday...and people would rather internalize the tragedy, the secrecy around all misunderstanding and only pretend to be concerned citizens for the show that has in itself just become another job...people are so plastic no one speaks much because even Clinton is either driven, turned into becoming an idiot, sounding like an idiot, or was he just lunching and someone took out of context a point blah blah blah what am I talking about? Poverty comes from stupidty and inability to assume the best possible truth NOT faking positivity. I want to slap the shit out of people when they "support" each other even when the suck, or look like shit, or should be concerned with other "problems" in their life then Jennifer Hudsons' medicore voice and ridiculous life....Imagine being surrounded by people who behave the way her sister's (in law?) boyfriend did? People dont kill and committ suicide over relationship jealousy still do they? SO many other ways to express the importance of one's heartbreak...and scummy people rich or poor, for wanting something they shouldnt have been wanting....what a goddam mess....people would rather someone die or kill themselves so the stress of their secret coming out from your nutty lips at the wrong time will die with them...of course they'll cry at the funeral, and cry and laugh and laugh and cry and realize even they loved them....but now they will sleep sounder and their ability to work will be enhanced, to make more money for wifey's double d's...or kiddo's college....I cant get over the woman in ____...Lisa was her name, in this week's _____...see now when I do that...I mostly mean to explore an avenue of communication where someone might mention that I wrote about her, so as to say Im not talking about anyone's back...AND calling her out on it...ask her if a documentary filmmaker called her a few days ago who she said "I need someone they can think of as Mommy" to, and then hung up on me within about 4 minutes of the first meeting?  Here! On my blog! I can tell her that I would be a million times better mother than she! But I didnt get the chance because of how fucked up the world has become...full fo skeemers like herself, surviving like a detached animal, unable to listen, passing judgment on someone who barely got to speak....I have to confess IM full of shit here in that I should have blurted out to her before we hung up what a ridiculous use of words in a sentence and make sure she couldnt explain it away...ok Ill remove her name.... but its her indifference towards me that makes me want to shuv a poster of Kelly Thomas' face after Deborah Moore type cops beat the living shit out of him...it was on video right? Even whn its on video they say it didnt happen...and people with eyes and ears and robes allow them to pretend their lies have sanctuary for as long as they need...because we feel for each others' family's? Fuck That! Or no. Dont fuck that...but do not dare tell me? Im less than you....blogs should be like violent weapons...but their accuracy in truth must be taken just as seriously...seriously as a nuclear weapon....see... people are afraid to use four letter words like bomb because the "trigger words" digitally bring more and more attention of only more and more closedminded people...so who can navif=gate thru that? Clinton lol? Any US preisndet? No! The media has their little Mr USA President Contest and they do their talent bit, and bumper sticker sound bite testing...and then the real rulers play rock em sock em robots....

I remember looking at the Joe Bruno's TV facturkey neck surgery about 1996ish and wondering why I am riding my bicycle in the snow on my 36the birthday, 2 miles to the grocery store in teh catskills to buy milk....when I write that I just love the way it sounds...it doesn't sound real...such a milky white loveliness....and at the time it was the lowest point of my life....the word suicide was coming out but more as a threat I think I still felt hopeful then...point being

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