
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

"Cyber bullying" Bills: The Ultimate and Final Castration

I am an obese pig. Will they soon write a law requiring me to take longer to get to the point? If I am half the size of another human being (like Hon. J. O'Donnelly sp?) and I refer to myself as a fat pig...yes u can be sure I am making indirect refernce to others....god help me? Engage a moments conversation (forced by courts no less?) to dialogue with a repressed Glee quoting legislator who I just heard say he "loved seeing his name in green lights" (oh as a matter of fact I have that on tape...will upload asap....seriously? This is what it's come too?

Dear ALL graduating classes! Cyber bully the shit out of each other if thats what it takes to show these posturing drama queens (Queens for short?) that sticks and stones cant touch the MAGIC of words...that when freely flowing will bring us all to the miracle we're looking for. Anyone who brb

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