
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Go fuck yourself Bikram

Just felt like saying that. Its my duty as an American to practice my freedom of speech as the world is slowly being taken over by the Asian fatalism that makes you who you are I guess...That's also a message from the Hawaiian contractor who's wife was diagnosed with breast cancer, who dared question you and you were so happy about her karmic diagnosis a few weeks after...laughing about her, warning us that if we ever speak badly of you etc....For 5 years I waited for you to set the record straight....so Im calling you and your hypocrisy out until you give my mother her money back and compensate me for 5 years of my life pissed away based on the fabricated hate of Jane Kunt.

Listen to my roommates at training! http://www.sundancefilm.org and then know that I once sat down with Mrs Choudhury and the second roommate you hear on second part of audio, "Victoria" the menopausal anorexic with all of her "supplements" I discreetly suggested maybe that was what was making her act this way or maybe she was taking steroids etc (every goddam day for almost 2 months I had to live with this shit) and Rajashree looked at me and said "And so what if she is!? I see YOU too!" That was everything she said. ALL she had to say. Offered absolutely nothing but maybe 10 seconds of cliche new age gibberish. To this day I have no idea what she was talking about since I never did anything other than bring her name up when he husband exposed his wee wee to me. Trying to politely bow out of insulting Bikram sexual flattery.....Who would add to that degulase, on top of that who would say Im looking for attention by loosing it publicly this way? How could that not make anyone want to vomit on a time square screen in order to adequately express just how offtrack they are....not the kind of thing I want to even have any image of in my head let alone anyone else's.

FREE FREE FREE. These assholes only know how to wish people pain and death...all under the guise of health and yoga...did I say FUCK YOU ALREADY? This is how we turn into China. People love their No Censorship T shirts...but god forbid a rape victim should dare be ALLOWED to describe what happened any way she wants, anywhere she wants, certainly online where no one is required to read! You FUCKED me. Welcome to YOUR story...in order to sue you have to prove its not true. since i can prove any goddam thing because Deborah Moore turned me into fucking Richard Nixon 18 years ago...sense how Im not worried about saying whatever the fuck I want INSTEAD of killing myself? If I am EVER found of an apparent suicide I promise I didnt do it. The only time I would kill myself would be when Im being physically tortured, so far...ya well ok I guess I just learned something about myself. Isnt this fun! Space travel! Weeeee!

Well its time to start trying to get my fat ass into the hot room to practice the yoga I still love however....

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