
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Jane Kunt

I have this pressure and small, but semi sharp pounding pain in my inflammed torse from my neck to my fingers...I feel like Ive been having heartattack signs for years but that didnt stop me, yet again, from shuving a fat chocolate cupcake into my mouth for breakfast (3 hours after waking up)...is this suicidal?

It occurred to me that you assholes are so quick to call me "crazy" because none of you have been in the position of little to no cash flow for long periods of time. To the point where one wrong move, one wrong word, to a ticket writing cop say, can result in hundreds of dollars worth of fines, or even a brutal beating to the head, which will even come back to haunt you in your new career as a yoga teacher of all things....why the fuck would I care to bother any longer guarding my tongue from wagging like an angry dog, a hungry dog better.

The money I've had to borrow from friends and family through 2011, and the resentment, after years of being stomped on...have I come out and said how often I pray to god to remove Jane Kartsch from this plnaet to just maybe feel some kind of recognition of all that was lost? For things that will never be gotten back. Forgotten because Jane decided my life was her's to interfere with using any made up story that came into her gelatinous brain. I feel like I have no hoice but to walk that tight rope-in order to bring attention to the injustice. How lucky I am that I did have people in my life care enough to scoop me up-but the resentment that comes up, when it's gone on for too long....things I have to try to live down because Jane what? Why would Jane Kartsch walk into a police station and create some kind of record that she would later use to destroy my credibility in a $12,000 investment with Bikram Yoga College?

My heart attack this morning, actually I still feel it now, simply has me preparing for the inevitable as best I can. Worse than death would be to live vulnerably under such insensitive, hateful liars....I stare at my fishbowl...think of my diving bell comparisons....

Insteda of prisons as a growth industry they should hire more judges and build more courtrooms...we could use the arenas to try to put things back together before Int'l monetary invasion hits full on....we could actually get ourselves out of debt to the entire planet if they just legalized herb for 20 years and then cam eback to recheck decision....5 years even say....but this stupidity and clinging onto lies behavior is so engrained in our very essence at this point...SO full of shit...I will die broke an dalone....but I will actually breath, as opposed to the life of Jane Kunt. Thata's her name from now on. A rose by any other. I spit it your wretched face you nasty vile piece of shit woman, I would say this in front of your children you role playing dept and Barnes and Noble whore....I slap you across your pocked wronkled, acne'd, sagging spotted, droopy ugly ass face for every time I've argued with my family since you did what you did to me. Unable to explain fully to them, or even Bikram for that matter why the FUCK you would resport to lying in order to throw my life so far off course at such a promising hopeful opportunity for me-when I can't even uderstand it myself. THAT is why you desreve to suffer greatly and she be punished, I will spend every last bit of my life having a bill drawn up that would force you some kind of public humiliation as THE FACE of making of a crime for falsely accusing others The Jane Kunt Law....for my deteriorating health...omg I detest you.

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