
Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I remember walking into the DMV in LA to renew my license in 1990 and striking up a conversation with a Sierra Club dude who ended up screaming at me "I hope you get raped".... because I wouldnt sign his petition...I had made the mistake of pointing out the waste of paper he was making or something..I think that was how it started...then of course it was a woman cop who deat the shit out of my head in 1993, and thatsame year I think, all these local assholes like Sue Grant start writing letters to local papers about men abusing women....her sister in law, my bff since 5th grade didnt lift a finger to help me during either incident...too stupified I thpought found out later sehd alwats hated me etc..anywayway what ios my point again? Oh ya:

Anyone who ever walked through NYC through the 80s and 90s remembers the Woman Against Pornography chick's tables around town. I will never forget walking through intersection at the Plaza wearing torn up jeans in platform shoes and a little bare belly top, on the arm of Mr Charles Fairfax (Sydney Morning Herald until his other adopted brother gave it to Murdoch)...(I drop his name because he is my witness). This kunt, who I will probably never have opportunity to slap, yelled at me through the megaphone "What do you call that? The raped look?" I had just been raped about 1.5 years prior ironically. Charles's jaw dropped when I left my top and flashed her...I guess this was why he invited me to  fly to Cancun a few months later, and hates me to this day for not having sex with the poor rich child...Having sex with charles (at that time anyway) would have been like making love with a tadpole, zygote...but he did shoot lots of photos (along with dozens of others) of me doing Bikram Yoga on the beach in Mexico....this was August 1992. All I talked about with him the whole time was how bad Reagan was and how evil american republicans were....I have a photo he took of me holding up the paper down there in Cancun with headline about Clinton winning primary or something...that what also lost on my old computer that a neighbor blew up by going into the electrical closet...these kinds of incidents are of no interest to local police...they prefer to come spend hours outside my door telling me IM not allowed to say "mean things" on the internet...I am SO fucking not kidding...I am SO fckn not exaggerating...should I link the YouTube videos?...Im sure he still has copies...so there I was doing Bikram Yoga a full decade before these kunt yoga teacher witches in Westchester "All about love!" BULLSHIT!!!!!!!! Load of crap...

I had written a song that got a little radio airplay on fmu, that was called Romeo Cannadee..so I got teased a lot about it...but i also embraced the waves...it was like big wave surfing I guess...I mean even Charles Fairfax's mom was a big musical patron of the arts...so I really did believe bigger things were happening..it was about 6 months later that PO Deborah Moore beat my head in with her knee and Brian Wohl (now living in Farquay Varina NC) .... SO many things I got to enjoy throughout my life without any money for most fo it....It became like a sport I guess...I never had sex with hardly anyone eoither to be careful no one would ever assume that was how I got around...but poeple do that anyway sadly...

Anyway I was exiled up to the Catskill after the beating. No one wanted anything to do with me anymore. Even Jonathan Demme had been my friend, asked me to babysit a few time for Brooklyn...this all changed as in BOOM. Gone suddenly Im in weschester for a few weeks and the ctaskilsls for a few years...to shut me up....

I remember hearing about a lecture Bobby Kennedy was giving, I think at the New SChool(?) and I was so disappointed, I had no car, no gas, no way to travel for years...but I called the school's reception desk and asked if they would hold up a phone. I dont think it was even a cell phone as this was easrly 90s, and I was on a corded rotary phone in the mountains...the point of the story is IT WAS INVENTIVE. Although many others have done something like that in their lives for one reason or another (perhaps)-it's dififerent when a Kennedy is in the picture-because everyone SEES the good idea and STEALS the good idea...I'll never forget the first times I started seeing that move written into movies, or TV ads etc....I mean now today its such a nomal thing to do it sounded crazy to try to claim that in anyway...but my life has been full of stuff like that....and I cant help but compare the facts to why I am broke, and so ostracized and so roadkill

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