
Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Scream

Side note, in no way did I mean to imply I was raped by Bikram. I actually had Jane Kartsch's face in my mind when I made the general reference...although Deborah Moore is the rapist...these women are like that rape scene in the movie Nell , where Natasia Richardson's character rapers Nell against her will with a needle...In 1991 the closet thing to the internet would have been talking to someone in the news or entertainment bizz.  I was always told to keep them seperate, and for not listening, for not following orders (who knew the ARMY runs everything) I never made a dime...but look at my WITNESSED (even the rape-because the guy had a photog roommate who looked at me like garbage fro not seeming to know how to react to what had happened the very next morning...George Michael's FREEDOM had just come out...he was blasting his new copy proudly.

I believe it was 1991. In my very first meeting with an A&R person at Atlantic records, I talked about of all things,  my experience being date raped. Shared with him the insight it had given me, being able to talk about it rather easily, because I had been drugged by an acquaintance and was unconscious etc,  as opposed to the cliche association with violent rape at gun point etc. I was likely the FIRST woman to not hide it like a secret when it came to NATIONAL FORUM.  I don't think it was even 6 months later when Tori Amos (Atlantic) came out with R.A.I.N.N... That guy was only trying to hit on me of course (Al Smith how ya doing?) But that doesnt mean coffee with Danny or Ahmet doesnt include my words...

The point is not to sound like an attention seeking asshole - the point is the irony that not only do I deserve so much more recognition than Ive ever gotten in my life, they still come after me, chip away at me....sometimes I think my internet is like closed circuit TV and like a cybe The Truman Show online...that no one ever really reads it....Like The Scream is my portrait.

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